Councils given more freedom by Government to crack down on rogue landlords
Councils given more freedom by Government to crack down on rogue landlords
After ten years of campaigning by the Renters Reform Coalition and Citizens UK, renters win a significant victory!

On 18 December, it was announced that councils have been given more freedom by the Government to crack down on rogue landlords, after a campaign led by the Renter’s Reform Coalition and Citizens UK.
This is a monumental win, marking almost 10 years of campaigning efforts around licensing to improve conditions for renters!
What is a selective licensing scheme?
The Government’s new guidance for local authorities means that they no longer need confirmation from the Secretary of State to introduce a selective licensing scheme of any size.
A selective licensing scheme requires landlords to have a license to let properties in a specific area.
Within this, landlords must comply with certain requirements such as dealing with disrepair and pest infestation promptly or ensuring adequate maintenance of the property.
The standards that must be met will vary between each borough.
What does this win mean for renters?
This win means that councils will have more power to not only protect local community members but hold landlords to account to ensure no one is forced to experience poor living conditions.
Citizens UK has been campaigning to improve conditions for renters since 2015 and have won the implementation of the initial selective licensing scheme in five London boroughs, and in Nottingham. The initial scheme was only applicable to 20% of the borough, but this development removes that restriction.
This new development comes at a crucial time, when poor living conditions for private renters in the UK continues to grow.
It was reported earlier this year that almost half of private renters in the UK are having to live with cold, damp or mould.
More guidance on this is expected to come into effect on 23 December.
Many of my friends live in insecure, crowded, damp and mouldy homes. But, because I live in Newham, where Citizens UK won a campaign for a mandatory and comprehensive licensing scheme, when I started to rent, I felt I hit the 'housing jackpot'. My tenancy is secure, and I can always raise concerns to my landlady, who ensures that the property is up to healthy living standards. I hope this change means that renters will feel that 'hitting the housing jackpot' becomes the norm.
Chelsea Joseph, a part of St. Antony's Parish in Newham
This is good news – landlord licensing schemes are a crucial line of defence for renters, and we’ve long been calling for the government to make it easier for councils to set them up. Private renting is different everywhere, so it’s really important councils are empowered to drive up standards and tackle the unique challenges in their areas.
Lucy Tiller, Policy and Public Affairs Manager at Renter’s Reform Coalition
We’ve seen too many rogue landlords take advantage of people’s need for a home and forcing them and their families to live in unthinkable conditions. The home should be a place of safety and security, but sadly this is not the reality for many renters in our membership and across the country.
This new development will increase the power of councils to help protect local people from poor living conditions and hold landlords to accountability for maintaining standards. We’ll continue this important work to ensure everyone in the UK has access to fair, safe and more affordable housing.
Mathew Bolton, Citizens UK Executive Director

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