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One in five 8-16 year olds had probable mental health condition in 2023 - new research finds

New report from Citizens UK, BACP and Public First reveals one in five 8-16 year olds struggled with a mental health condition in 2023, and that many are falling through the cracks and missing school without proper access to support. Introducing a trained counsellor in every school would provide a lifetime fiscal benefit of £2640 to the Government per person, compared to cost of £350. The fiscal benefit is ten times higher for primary school children receiving school-based counselling.

Citizens UK are calling on the Government to introduce statutory school-based counselling. Having a trained counsellor in every school in England (like currently exists in Scotland and Wales), would transform the lives of thousands of children and young people who are currently falling through the cracks.

We cannot allow our children to continue suffering in silence, at risk of harming themselves, dropping out of school and facing an uncertain future.

Introducing school-based counselling would generate £billions in fiscal benefits for our country.


Posted by Sylvie Pope on 7 Jun, 2024
