
News: Citizens UK, Unite and ShareAction join forces to ask Whitbread to pay workers a real Living Wage

29th September 2023
News: Customers want hospitality venues to pay workers a real Living Wage, new data reveals

28th April 2023
News: Make London a Living Wage City Action Group launch to promote fair pay in Creative and Cultural industries

12th April 2023
Blogs: Bringing Councils together to support the real Living Wage

12th April 2023
Pass the Mic: 'We have amazing capacities - what we're missing is opportunities': Living Wage Theatre

4th April 2023
News: New analysis by the Living Wage Foundation finds large wage disparities in London based on ethnicity

27th March 2023
News: London's Hospitality Sector is found to be the most poorly paid industry in the Capital

22nd March 2023
News: Who is affected by low pay in London?

16th December 2022
News: Citizens UK leaders unite outside Barchester Healthcare HQ in London to demand a real Living Wage for care workers amidst cost of living crisis

17th November 2022
News: Community leaders demand a real Living Wage for care workers from Barchester Healthcare who pays execs millions

23rd September 2022
News: London Living Wage increases to £11.95 as cost of living rises

18th July 2022