Covid-19 Health Resources
TELCO leaders are working closely with Barts NHS Trust and CCGs colleagues covering several boroughs in east London. The following resources contain important information in regards to covid-19

Coronavirus information in Easy-Read format: staying at home and keeping away from other people
Multiple languages: advice and guidance on social distancing and for vulnerable people and self-isolation
Information for families and carers in hospital, about next steps after the death of a loved one (produced by Mayor of London - attached)
Free public information campaign materials ( downloadable posters, digital screens, radio advertisement and social content) in different languages ( Bengali, Gujarati, Punjabi, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Urdu). Also includes resources for Young People and alternative formats
A reminder that no migrant or overseas visitor will be charged for the diagnosis or treatment of Coronavirus (Covid-19). Also, anyone who has been in the country for more than 24 hours can register with a GP. There is no requirement for GP practices to request proof of identity or immigration status.
Doctors of the World have translated the latest NHS guidance into 44 languages
Barts Hospital Trust website contains the latest information for patients and visitors – and can be translated into many languages – see here for instructions
Information for pregnant women during Coronavirus can be found here and also on the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists website
Mental Health Support: Tower Hamlets Talking Therapies is open to referrals as usual. Assessment and therapy is available by telephone, video or online. Patients can self-refer via the website: or by telephone 020 8475 8080. Also check out tips from Mind and Every Mind Matters
Spotlight Youth Centre in Tower Hamlets has launched a new ‘Healthspot’ in-house GP hub for young people aged 11-19 living in Tower Hamlets. Every Tuesday 4-8pm (see email attached for more info – please note this is intended for non-Covid cases – all suspected Covid cases should follow the Govt guidelines and seek advice from NHS 111 online ).
A reminder that all GP practices are offering appointments and advice over the phone, and are able to register new patients where practicable.
Free course on understanding how the NHS works
Advice for Parents when their child is unwell or injured
Latest health information and advice about Covid-19 on the NHS website , as well as information about the Government response here .
Please contact their local Healthwatch if they have any concerns, queries or ideas which they think could benefit others. Healthwatch is collating these and passing them to us on a regular basis.