London’s Olympic Housing Legacy – Time for a new deal on the Olympic Park
To mark the eighth anniversary of London hosting the Olympic and Paralympic Games, The East London Citizens Organisation (TELCO) launched a film that highlights the broken promises around the London’s Olympic housing legacy where we called on policymakers to honour the pledges they made and work with us for a New Deal on the Olympic Park.

Watch the film here:
What we are asking for:
We are willing to work with the Mayor of London, Legacy Boroughs, and the LLDC on a new deal for a housing legacy. There are three elements to this new deal:
GENUINELY AFFORDABLE - We want to increase affordable housing to 50% across the Olympic Park. At least 60% of that should be for social rent in recognition of the urgent need for this. We want a genuinely affordable housing test on all affordable housing products measured against local incomes.
COMMUNITY-LED - Community Land Trusts and Community-based housing offer a way of generating high-quality housing and we want to pilot this across the Olympic Park, starting at Stratford Waterfront, to ensure genuine community involvement and ownership as a central part of the affordable housing policy on the Olympic Park.
INCLUSIVE - Data from Triathlon has indicated that Black and Minority Ethnic (BAME) Groups are massively under-represented in intermediate affordable housing on the Olympic Park. We want the Park to become a model for social inclusion, and to ensure that it reflects the diversity of East London.